Thank you for purchasing the Spring 2021 Content Creation Toolbox.  Please check WarriorPlus to get access to the download page.

But before you do that - check this out.

Now is the time to learn how to use the content effectivetly in your business...

Discover Ways To Use Done-For You Content & Low Content Products In Business From A Few Of The Contributors

Take a look at these amazing people (just like you) who are sharing ways on how to use content and low content products to build your business.  You'll get actionable strategies and will be able to implement them immediately.  

what you'll Learn

How To Create Coloring Printables Using Colored Images  


Ever wonder how to make a coloring page printable with existing colored images?

Video training on the exact workflow of how Carmen research Coloring Printable products on Etsy, creating eye-catching product images and how she lists the Coloring Printable product.

Plus, bonus video on how Carmen customizes coloring pages to sell on Etsy as handmade.

Be Authentic, Raise Your Rates & Work With High End Clients You Love


Be Authentic, Raise Your Rates & Work With High End Clients You Love

4 Week Course

Perfect for you if you want to:

Position YOUR Unique Coaching / Consulting / Freelancing as the hottest flavour of the Century and something they can't live without

Raise your rates confidently, out-price those pesky problem clients that honestly you can't wait to ditch but haven't had the heart to let them go just yet

Say Sayonara to charging by the hour, and learn to craft the perfect package to magnetically attract those high end clients you adore

Gracefully transition current clients from those old outdated low bottom of the barrel prices, to their brand spanking new and improved pricing structure

Sound like something that could change the way you 'work' forever?


So if you are fed up being overworked and underpaid. Fed up working with clients who don't get you or see your value, those client who are always haggling for discounts. Fed up not being appreciated. Fed up not feeling good enough then this is for you.

It's time to step up be confident, charge your worth and provide awesome value to your new high end clients who totally get you and are happy to pay your rates no questions asked!

It's time to work less and earn more! And you may be asking yourself how is that even possible, but believe me it is!

It's time to CHARGE MORE!

You will receive 5 audio lessons that you can listen to time and time again each time you need to uplevel. Each lesson comes with an accompanying worksheet or checklist.

And as if that's not enough I am even giving you my 'Gracefully Announce A Price Increase to Clients' guide worth £39.99 alone!

So don't delay, hit that sign up button now!

Master Gutenberg Editor For Yourself


These WordPress training videos were created with the total beginner in mind. Zero Geek-Speak, very detailed & fluff-free. This allows you to learn more in a shorter amount of time while enjoying what you are learning. Sure beats trying to learn from outdated, hard to understand videos you stumble across on the web. Plus way more enjoyable than those techie-filled, sleep-inducing eBooks.

When you watch & apply what you've learned from these WordPress training videos, it's virtually impossible to fail - I Guarantee It.

You just have to reach out and grab it.

Boost Your Sales Master Toolkit


A 2-in-1 Master Toolkit that consists of Elementor sales page templates & email marketing templates that will help you increase product sales quickly and easily!

Now that you have created your product, what’s next?

I know you must be really excited to get your product into the hands of your customers, but you gotta have a plan!

What plan?

A plan on how to launch and promote your product, that is!

In Boost Your Sales Master Toolkit, we will be focusing on creating high-converting sales pages and learning how to woo your customers through email marketing!

I have provided for you Elementor templates which you can just drag and drop to create sales pages in minutes.

I have also included email swipe copies and tips on creating a welcome sequence that will warm your new subscribers up to you in the fastest time possible and even convert them into buyers in just one week!

This is an exciting course with incredibly useful templates and I cannot wait for you to dive in!

Coaching In a Crisis


Get the Coaching Through Crisis Course and help your coaching clients through the difficult times.

This course comes with PLR!

You'll be able to deliver a 4 part course that helps your clients assess their stress, manage their emotions, and craft a plan for coping during any crisis. You can edit any of the module worksheets and reports to reflect your own coaching style and personal voice. Each module offers a coaching tool that consists of an exercise specific to the module topic, worksheets for your clients, and a short report with relevant information for your clients to help them through the topic.  

So, you have a Done For You training ready to publish in any way you like! 

Book Launch Booster Rockets Webinar


Private webinar training on how to use these strategy quickly.

In the Book Launch Booster Rockets training program she will take you step by step through the process of choosing the right categories and keywords for your topic, creating an irresistible offer page within your book, planning what you will share with your visitors as they join your list, and moving these visitors into prospects, buyers, and clients with a strategically crafted funnel of experiences. You’ll learn quickly how to:

  • Choose the Best Keywords and Categories to Reach Your Target Audience
  • Outline and Put Together Your Simple Booster Rocket in Just a Few Days
  • Write an “Invitation” Page First, to Build a List From Your Booster Rocket
  • Promote Your Booster Rocket by Adding It to All of Your Funnels
  • Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to Promote Your Funnels More Easily

Creating a Pin For a Planner, Plus Pinterest Tips & Strategies


Becky & I got on a Zoom call and she walks you through creating a Pin on Canva, how to upload it and then she shares some of her secret strategies on using Pinterest.

This is an hour of Pinterest tips you don't want to miss.

Becky has grown her following and gets tons of traffic through Pinterest.  Take a behind the scenes look at how she does it.

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