Wait before you go I've got an exclusive offer. Take a look below...
Goal Setting & Journaling Are Ways to Change and See Results In Areas Of Your Life and Business - This Includes Self-Improvement, Fitness, Health, Business, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships and Many More...
Incredible Done-For-You Content To Easily Schedule an Entire Series, Build a List, Nuture It & Then Provide an Engaging Challenge
I'd like to offer you an AMAZING deal on these PLR products:
Combine these four products can help you grow your business.
First you'll get a done-for-you content series and marketing kit in two personal development niches - goals and journaling.
This done-for-you conent was made to specifically get you to add the blog to your site and then share it with your audience with emails and social media posts. The blog posts are also combined together so that you can easily create a lead magnet it with the content.
There are two ways to do this - as a lead magnet with its own page to collect leads or you can add an opt-in form to the bottom of each blog post.
Then the second part of this PLR is done-for-you challenges.
Challenges sell themselves because people are seeing results. These DFY Challenges can become your core product. You can go through the challenge with your audience live and host it once or twice a year.
By creating a challenge you’ll have a product that keeps working for you year after year.
This challenge is the path. It’s time to put that content to work and turn it into an ongoing income stream - without having to create all the content to get it done!
Your time is valuable, so by using this done-for-you challenge you won’t be wasting your energy coming up with a product your audience will love. Stop spending all your time and energy doing the tedious research and writing, and start bringing in a continuous income stream. Let me help!
Make your time and energy work for you by concentrating on what you love!
Get All Of This For ONLY $47!
Want to know more of the details of what you're going to get?
I've listed them all below. Please note that I've combined them all in the descriptions but it comes as four different products.
Check out what you're getting:
Content Series & Marketing Kit
This is done-for-you content that you can get up on your site, share to your audience and earn an affiliate income all in one bundle.
Plus you'll get content and product reviews that resonate with your audience. This will drive them to buy the products that you promote.
Here's an overview of what you'll get:
5 Blog Post Series on Goals : You'll get a series of blog posts that will let you dig deep into the topic. You can schedule these on your blog and then link them together to help your readers go through the series.
5 Intro Emails on Goals: Every single blog post comes with an intro email. This email is specifically written to help you share this series to your subscribers or tweak the wording a little and share on your social media platforms. To do that you can set these up in your email software as a sequence or on a Facebook group as a post.

22-Page Report, "Goal Setting: Grab What Matters & Shine In Your Life With Intention": (Blog Posts Combined):
You might not want to use the content as blog posts, so I’ve compiled them into an eBook or you can use the report as a way to get opt-ins at th end of each blog post by offering the combined content in one place. Not only that, but this eBook has been formatted with headings and images for your convenience.
4 Blog Post Series on Journaling : You'll get a series of blog posts that will let you dig deep into the topic. You can schedule these on your blog and then link them together to help your readers go through the series.
4 Intro Emails on Journaling: Every single blog post comes with an intro email. This email is specifically written to help you share this series to your subscribers or tweak the wording a little and share on your social media platforms. To do that you can set these up in your email software as a sequence or on a Facebook group as a post.

14-Page Report, "Journaling: Discover Yourself": (Blog Posts Combined):
The report is compiled of all the articles so that you can also use it as an opt-in. Growing your list is an essential part of running a business and by providing valuable information that people want and need you'll start adding more people to your list and that leads to bigger community.
Professionally Designed eCover: You’ll be provided with a Canva Template for the eBook cover. Canva is a free graphic software platform and it is easy to change the eCover to your branding.
Social Media Posts: You'll get 10 social media posts per blog for you to use to direct people back to your site where you've posted. This includes 5 Facebook / Instgram posts, as well as 5 Tweets per blog post. It is easier to share when all you have to do is add a link, tweak it a little to include your voice and post!
Social Media Tip Images: Your audience is going to love these beautiful graphics that have a tip on them. They are provided as a Canva Template, so that you can brand these as well.
BONUS: Royalty Free Images
200 Long Tail Keywords: You’ll get researched keywords that are for goals, goal setting and getting results from goals.

7-Page Report, "Top 5 Goal Setting Planners That Get Results":
This report was written specifically for sharing with your audience on the best goal planners. Once they start reading the blog posts they are going to be interested in purchasing the best planner for them.
This guide is going to give them 5 options and then show them which each of them is best for. Then they can also go to your site with the product reviews so that they can read more in depth about each planner. This report has been formatted with headings and images so that it is appealing and can be used as an opt-in.

7-Page Report, "5 Journaling Tools You'll Need When You Start":
You'll get a top 5 list of tangible products you can recommend to your audience, as well as the product reviews for each thing on your top 5 list.
These product reviews are written in an informative way with a slant to get the reader to click on the link out of curiosity... and they'll probably end up buying the products!
Canva eCover Template: You’ll be provided with an eBook cover Template in Canva. This will allow you to quickly and easily add your branding and change things on the eCover.
Product Reviews: You get detailed product reviews that were created specifically for seeing results. Affiliate marketing is a way to monetize your blog and recommending products is a way to help others.
Bonus: As a bonus I've gone onto Amazon and downloaded at least three images per product. This will save you time when you're adding the product reviews to your site. You won't have to download themselves because you'll already have them.
DFY Challenge
14-Day Challenge: Ready to use challenge that includes a Welcome email, as well as 14 Challenge Days. Schedule these on your blog and offer a free challenge to your readers and subscribers OR use it as a product to sell to people who want to learn how to bullet journal effectively.
14-Day Intro Emails: Every single day comes with an intro email. This email is specifically written to help you guide your readers to the appropriate blog post or challenge day at the right time. You can set these up in your email software as a sequence or on a Facebook group as a post.

40-Page eBook, “Bullet Journal: Create Your Own in 14 Days"(Challenge Days Combined):
You might not want to use this as a challenge, so I’ve compiled the challenge days into an eBook. The wording is changed a little so that it is an eBook and not a challenge. Not only that, but this eBook has been formatted with headings and images for your convenience.
40-Page eBook, “14 Days to Set Goals That Make a Difference In Your Life"(Challenge Days Combined):
In this section the eBook has been compiled, formatted and edited to a include a different format. This means you can easily add your voice in the eBook and get it up on your site in a matter of hours.
Another option would be to use the eBook as a bonus to your challenge so that people have a printed version of the challenge and can follow along or you can send it to them after they’ve completed the challenge for their convenience.
Canva eCover Template: You’ll be provided with an eBook cover Template in Canva for the “14 Days to Set Goals That Make a Difference In Your Life”. This will allow you to quickly and easily add your branding and change things on the eCover.

16-Page Report, “25 Goal Setting Hacks To Improve Your Life and See Results":
This report has been formatted with headings and images and it gives 25 hacks on how to improve their life with goals.

16-Page Report, “25 Goal Setting Hacks To Improve Your Life and See Results":
This report has been formatted with headings and images and it gives 25 hacks on how to improve their life with goals.

Promotional Emails: You’ll get emails that are going to help you promote your new product to your current audience, as well as people who opt-in to your list.
Canva eCover Template: You’ll be provided with an eBook cover Template in Canva. This will allow you to quickly and easily add your branding and change things on the eCover.
100 Long Tail Keywords: You’ll get researched keywords that will help you to get SEO ranking.
101 Headline Swipes: This includes 101 Headlines and templates that you can use for taglines, subheadings, subject lines, reports and eBooks. You’ll be able to use these in your marketing efforts when you build your sales page, download page, social media posts and so much more. It is much easier to use a template instead of coming up with someone on your own. Tweak these and then use them to fit your purposes.
BONUS: Royalty Free Images
Goals & Journaling Are Great Topics For So Many Niches - Self-Improvement, Lifestyle, Health, Parenting, Business and So Many More...
This is a bundle that you can sell for profit, engage your audience in a paying membership or create an opt-in to turn readers into subscribers. Take this and create training videos for each day or upload them to your blog post and email autoresponder.
There is no limit on how you can use this DFY Challenge.
After you purchase this bundle – you will get to immediately download all of your content!
All PLR Products that you purchase from me are non refundable.
PLR Rights Terms:
[YES] Can be edited and modified in any way
[YES] Can be branded and sold as a report with personal use rights only (PDF)
[YES] Can put your name as the author
[YES] Can be used as eCourse and webinar material
[YES] May use the content on your site/blog
[YES] Can be used on article marketing sites
[YES] Can be translated to other languages
[YES] Can use the content to create and post videos on video sharing sites/blogs, etc.
[NO] Cannot claim copyright to the content since it is PLR
[NO] Cannot resell the packs
[NO] You may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR)
[NO] Can be added to membership sites with resell and master resell rights
[NO] Cannot use my name as author
Thank you!
April & DMan
P.S. With this pack you'll get an entire blog marketing kit - not only will you get the content to post on your blog, but you'll be able to share the content with your audience with emails, social media posts and social media images.
P.P.S. Remember that 61% of people buy a product AFTER they've read a blog post. The high-quality product reviews on Popular Amazon Products in this bundle will help you earn affiliate commissions - faster and easier than before.
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