Enhancing PLR Content With ChatGPT
Rewrite PLR Content With ChatGPT
Create a Writing Voice & Style Before You Get Started
In this video I go over how to have ChatGPT find your writing voice and style, as well as figuring out who your customers are based on your home page content. You'll need both to help you rewrite PLR to be consistent in your content.
Lesson #1
In this lesson you'll get an over the shoulder tutorial giving you a strategy to effectively use ChatGPT to rewrite PLR. I'll show you how to use the right writing style and voice, then how to tweak it to make it work for you better.
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Edit ChatGPT
After you've had ChatGPT rewrite the PLR, you're going to have to go through the content and edit it. You can leave it as is, but I wouldn't do that. When you buy PLR you know it is designed, researched, and made specifically for content creation - using ChatGPT is not, but that doesn't mean it isn't powerful. I would definitely add, delete, change, modify, and personal it to make it your own.
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Finishing Up The PLR Content Using ChatGPT & Editing
In the last lesson I went through and I showed you how to edit the PLR content with a different voice and tone. This should be something similar to yours or one you want to use. I didn't edit all of the content, but I do in this training. I show you another way to edit. You're going to use the content you've already edited to help ChatGPT learn your style better.
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Add as many video lessons as are required for this lesson in the module. If you have an extra hint about the main video they would go below or if you want to expand on any of the lesson here is where you'd go into it.
Lesson #
In this lesson I walk through how to create Topic Titles / Products titles while using ChatGPT, as well as Fresh Title. Normally I do not use as is, but tweak them. Then I go through the content that I've edited to create subheadings to add throughout the content. Unfortunately, ChatGPT wasn't working correctly, but that means I was able to show you how to do it manually.
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In this video I walk through how to use ChatGPT to create subheadings for the content. I also show a prompt on how to format it. ChatGPT requires prompts and sometimes you have to use a couple to get that done. In this video, you'll see how I continue to do that to what I want done. I also take the subheadings to the main content document and add them.
I was formatting as I went, but if you didn't you'll want to format at the end so that you can turn it into a digital product, freebie, or a blog post.
Not sure what your next step is? (this headline will change each time based on the products you're offering)
In here you're going to add more product that go with the course. This could be PLR that will help them or the next course they should look into. You can also add affiliate offers, but look in your products first.
Also, you can create a buy button from Shopify or create a collection where it adds select products at the bottom here.
You could also add a product image in the columns below and then link to those specific products. Lots of income potential here. Don't forget to put the uri parimeters so you can record where the purchases came from. You want to be able to track it.
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