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Hi, my name is April Lemarr and I have been hosting the Content Creation Collection for the last three years. Each year you can contribute to the Spring, Fall or both Collections.
So what is the Content Creation Collection (CCC)?
The Collection is collaborate effort from many people who create products and training. It is created with the sole intention to help the buyer's use content in their business. A lot of people struggle with this in their business. I see it all the time in my business at
They need help creating content, getting traffic to their ste, implementing content marketing strategies and so much more.
If you have a product or training that fits with this theme I'd love for you to be a part of the fall toolbox of essentials for content creators, bloggers & coaches.
How Does The Content Creation Collection Work?
- The Collection is made up of product creators like yourself coming together in one place to offer their product. You'll contribute it (for free, but you do earn commissions from any CCC Toolboxes you sell!) and
- You'll agree to share the Collection with your audience three times via email. If you're just starting out, then share on your social media platforms.
- You grow your email list.
I'm hosting the Toolbox and so I will create the sales page, plus you'll get email swipes to use if you need them.
Why Would You Want To Contribute To The Toolbox?
- Increase your list size (not just any type of list though -a buyers list!) - people love these types of products because they are able to try out several different products for a low investment. This is your chance to be introduced to new people who have an interest in the type of products you sell.
- Earn affiliate commissions! I have an affiliate program set up and as a contributor you'll be sharing your affiliate link with your list. So you'll earn 50% commission from anyone who purchases the Collection through your affiliate link.
What Types Of Products & Training Can You Contribute?
The Content Creation Collection is all about people being able to get content out quickly and easily.
Products can include:
- Done-for-you content (PLR)
- Templates (Canva or other types of business related templates)
- DFY social media posts (or graphics)
- DFY coloring pages, done-for-you planners
- And many other types of commercial use or licensed products– the purpose is to make their life easier.
But that isn’t all you can contribute, so don’t worry if you don't create or sell this type of product.
The theme is content creation.
So this can include training on anything that is content related or could include resources that will help them pull it all together to create something – like planners or journals (just make sure it is very clear that they are for personal use only!).
Topics can include:
- Writing content
- Planning
- Repurposing
- Brainstorming topic ideas
- And more...
If you’re teaching a course that has to do with using content or will help them put all the content they have to use – you can join as well.
This could include:
- Creating membership sites
- Funnels
- Email marketing
- Email sequences
- Social media marketing
- Product creation
The training could also include ways to use content to get traffic such as:
- Syndication
- Blogging
- Printables
- Guest Blogging
- Video
- YouTube
- Live Streaming
- and so much more.
This isn't a comprehensive list, so if you have a product you think people would benefit from - I'd love to chat with you about if it would work for the Content Creation Collection.
Like I said this toolbox is all about being able to use content in their business and the different methods that they can do that. So it is pretty wide open for what you can contribute with the exception it has to be related to content.
If you have questions about your specific product – please let me know at
Become a VIP Contributor
To become a VIP Contributor you would provide training to help buyers make the best use of the bundle. This would be in addition to the contribution because this will be in the upgrade offer. If possible, I want to host these on my site.
There are two ways you can become a VIP Contributor:
- Either create a new training specifically for this bundle and send me the video, PDF, etc so that I can include it on the download page.
- Provide access to an existing training currently selling for at least $97
As a VIP Contributor you earn 70% commission throughout the funnel instead of 50%.
If you have questions about your specific training topic – please contact me at
What Makes My Toolbox (Bundle) Unique?
There are a few things that make my Toolboxes unique and help benefit the contributor.
1. Longer download deadlines. The deadlines that I set are longer than normal. I like to do this so that the buyer gets plenty of time to go to each of the products and download what you're offering.
2. Second promotion. With longer deadlines this allows us the opportunity to promote the Content Creation Collection midway through. I started this is in the Fall last year and it went over really well.
3. List size. I don't require a certain amount of people on your list or in your community. I feel that everyone starts from the beginning and if that is you this year, the CCC will help give you a start.
4. Download link. I'm providing direct links to your products or opt-in pages for the buyers to use, so as not to take advantage of your affiliate program.
5. Follow up sequence. I send a sequence of emails when it gets close to the download deadline. This means you'll get more people on your list towards the deadline because of the reminder email.
6. No restrictions on immediate promotions. Some bundles and giveaways restrict you from using upsells or promoting to the bundle buyer's immediately. I have do not have these types of restrictions.
Collection Price & Commission:
Price: $39.95
Commission: 50% commission
There will be a funnel but I'm still working on this.
Fall 2021 Dates:
- Contributor Deadline: Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 (end of day)
- Start: Wednesday, September 29th at 10 AM EST (7 AM PST)
- Ends: Tuesday, October 3rd at midnight (PST)
- 2nd promotion for this Toolbox - Wednesday, November 10th to Tuesday, November 16th.
- Download Deadline: Friday, December 31st (midnight)
I've made the requirements to participate easy.
Requirements To Participate:
Check them out below:
- 1Promote 3 times. If you're working on your list now and don't have one, please promote on your social media platforms - this can include Twitter, Facebook or Instagram; however, even if your list is small I challenge you to send them at least 2 emails.
- 2Product value has to be at least $17 (if your product isn't but it is close and you'd like to participate - please reach out to me).
- 3This must be a product you charge for or you plan to in the future. No opt-ins or freebies.
- 4New product to the Content Creation Collection. Do not contribute the same product to evey Toolbox, space them out at least a year, but I'd prefer longer.
I'm not allowing one-on-one services to be offered as part of the CCC Toolbox. That would make a great follow-up product once people sign up.
Why I LOVE To Host Toolboxes...
I love them because I think they're a great collaboration of product creators and believe that by everyone sharing the toolbox with their list and having people go download from each person it benefits them.
I don't know what every single person on my list needs and one of my community members might need to connect with one of you (the contributors). You could get them to the next level, you could become a friend or you could become their next JV partner. They just need to be introduced to you and collaborative efforts are how that happens.
In fact, it could be any one of our audience members and one of our contributors because we all know different people. I don't know what will happen or how it could change someone's life but it could and that is the main reason that I do this.
I love the fact that you are willing to contribute something you've worked so hard on and you're going to introduce your list to others. I appreciate you contributing to the CCC Toolbox.
Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:
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