6 Figure Launch

Step #1



Step 5: Draft Delectable opt-in pages and Follow-Up Emails to Increase Excitement

Add a brief overview or the name of the lesson here.

Now that you know exactly what pre-launch content you’re creating, make sure you don’t just gloss over the opt-in pages or the follow-up emails. These are incredible places to get your prospects even more excited and engaged in the launch process.

In your own experience, no doubt you’ve seen opt-in boxes in multiple locations, including the sidebar of websites, on social media headers, or at the end of blog posts. A strong strategy is to also create a dedicated opt-in page for each free offer, so your website visitors don’t have to go searching for it. Or, worse, yet, they get distracted from the other content on your website and they forget to opt-in for their freebie altogether!

At the very least, your opt-in page should have a headline that really hooks the audience and a simple opt-in box asking for their name and email address. This opt-in box is a code that’s provided by your email service provider.

Since you have a dedicated page for this offer, you have the space to offer a more detailed description about your freebie, who it’s meant to serve, and why your audience needs to claim it. If you’re new to the industry, you can also include an About Me section to serve as an introduction to new visitors. Most importantly, you don’t want to distract or overwhelm your visitors with too much information.

With a dedicated opt-in page for each of these freebies, you now have a unique URL to promote, instead of just your home page and then hoping visitors find the correct opt-in box.

Planning Your Follow Up Email Series

Once your prospect signs up for your email list, the worst thing you can do is never follow up with them. Creating an email autoresponder series for each freebie is paramount to creating a relationship and keeping your name foremost in their mind. If you fail to stay in touch, they will miss out on your product launch news as well as forget who you are or why you’re so great at your job.

Autoresponders are evergreen emails that are scheduled to mail at certain intervals, such as every three days or once per week. Since we’re talking about emails during a launch period, a daily schedule is recommended. But don’t get overwhelmed; these emails are simple to schedule so you can write them well in advance of your launch date and be confident that they will be delivered according to your schedule.

Email number one is often the “Thank You for Signing Up” email. This one is delivered immediately upon sign up and includes the download link to your freebie. Include a bit more about your freebie, such as how to utilize the information, and give some teasers about your upcoming webinar. 

For your second email, remind them to download their freebie and give some action tips related to the freebie.

In your third email, tell them about your upcoming webinar and how to register. Most webinar services require a separate registration, and this also weeds out those who just want your freebies from those who want to attend your webinar, who are also prospects for your paid product.

If you’re doing a livestream presentation instead of a webinar, give them the reminder to follow you and watch for notifications when you go live. Also ask them for questions in advance in case people are too shy to ask questions during the event. 

Email number four can be more evergreen content related to the topic of your freebie plus a reminder about the webinar or livestream.

If your webinar is on Day 5 of the launch schedule, then your fifth email should go out on that day with huge reminders about what time your webinar starts along with the registration link for last minute joiners. Your webinar platform should have the capabilities to send registrants the link to watch the webinar live so you’re not bothering your entire list again.

The remainder of the emails in your daily launch sequence should be about building up your paid product. Give details. Tell them why they need your product in their life. Explain how your product will solve their biggest pain point. Tell them your launch date and any bonuses you’re offering. Just because someone isn’t interested in your webinar doesn’t mean they won’t become a customer.

Now, rinse and repeat this sequence for your second pre-launch freebie. Keep each freebie list separate to avoid confusion and duplication of information. A confused audience is a non-buying audience.

Today's Action:  Create Opt-In & Email Templates

  1. Brainstorm eye-catching headlines to convince your followers to subscribe to receive your freebie.
  2. Also learn how to add the opt-in code from your email provider to your opt-in page (or delegate this task to your VA).
  3. Map out your email sequence for each pre-launch freebie you create.
  4. XXX-MAKE ACTIONS STEPS OUT OF THE FOLLOWING-XXX What happens next? Create the Calls to Action to be used in each email. What’s the next step you want them to take?  Your CTAs can inspire them to use your freebies, share your freebies with others and also tease your upcoming webinar or livestream and let them know why they should show up live. (You can specifically tease that you’ll be giving away a special offer, if you are).
  5. XXX-MAKE ACTIONS STEPS OUT OF THE FOLLOWING-XXX  Rinse and repeat these same steps for Freebie #2 on the next page.
  6. Rinse and repeat these same steps for the calls to action for Freebie #2 on the next page.

Not sure what your next step is? (this headline will change each time based on the products you're offering)

In here you're going to add more product that go with the course.  This could be PLR that will help them or the next course they should look into.  You can also add affiliate offers, but look in your products first.

Also, you can create a buy button from Shopify or create a collection where it adds select products at the bottom here.

You could also add a product image in the columns below and then link to those specific products.  Lots of income potential here.  Don't forget to put the uri parimeters so you can record where the purchases came from.  You want to be able to track it.

In here you're going to add more product that go with the course.  This could be PLR that will help them or the next course they should look into.  You can also add affiliate offers, but look in your products first.

Also, you can create a buy button from Shopify or create a collection where it adds select products at the bottom here.

You could also add a product image in the columns below and then link to those specific products.  Lots of income potential here.  Don't forget to put the uri parimeters so you can record where the purchases came from.  You want to be able to track it.

Need support or have a question?

If you require any support, customer help, or help - please go through the platforms below because it is easier for me to keep track of what is happening.  Sometimes if you email they get caught in with everything and I might miss it.  Thank you! ~April

Support: CLICK HERE 

Fill out the form, please make sure to provide your questions, comments,  suggestions, or testimonials.  If you have questions - provide the product or course you're going through.

If you purchased your product / course through the aMember shopping cart, please open a help desk ticket through that platform.

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Customer Service: april.nichestarterpacks@gmail

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