6 Figure Launch

Step #1



Step 11: Close Your Cart and STILL Make Major Sales!

Add a brief overview or the name of the lesson here.

Ever had major FOMO after a course you wanted to buy – but didn’t – closed its doors? Once you snap yours shut, you’ll have many buyers-to-be who feel the same way. So, if you have a few stragglers who’ve shown interest, it’s time to give them another chance to get inside.

Closing your cart makes sense for mastermind groups, live workshops, or membership groups, or products that are “retiring”. Closing doors spurs the serious purchasers into action so you can plan specific open/close dates to your program.

Other products, such as self-study courses or eBooks, don’t need to close their cart. Those are poised to make sales year long because your time is not a part of the purchase.

Remind your followers about the cart closing with several email and social media reminders. Spacing them out at 48-hours, 24-hours, 1-hour, and 30-minutes works well for most products. In each of these messages, remind your readers about the benefits of your product, what problem you can solve, and the urgency that they’ll miss out if they don’t act NOW.

Don’t feel guilty for closing your cart! It’s your business so you make the rules. But if you have stragglers complaining that they missed the deadline, consider reopening your cart for a very limited time, like 48 hours. Then create an abandoned cart email sequence ONLY for those people who added your product to their cart but left without paying. You can see these email addresses of the abandoned carts through your shopping cart platform.

Do NOT send your abandoned cart emails to your entire list! Save this short sequence only for those who didn’t follow through with payment. You’re trying to get a few last sales, not trying to irritate your entire list with an offer that doesn’t apply to them.

Today's Action:  Close Your Cart

  1. Create a “last chance” offer.
  2. Create several emails and social media posts announcing the closing of your shopping cart. Provide a 48-hour notice, a 24-hour notice and a 1-hour (or even 30-minute) notice. In this chart, jot down important points to include in each one, plus deadline and strong call to action.
  3. Make one more last-ditch effort.
  4. Reopen your cart for 48 hours only with a special payment plan. Once your cart has “closed,” reveal your last chance offer to those who visited the sales page but didn’t buy. Use an abandoned cart email sequence to do this.
  5. Map out your abandoned cart email sequence. This 3-4 email sequence will go out over the 48 hours and offer this special offer or payment plan to anyone who landed on the order form but failed to complete it. Find these emails from your shopping cart.

Not sure what your next step is? (this headline will change each time based on the products you're offering)

In here you're going to add more product that go with the course.  This could be PLR that will help them or the next course they should look into.  You can also add affiliate offers, but look in your products first.

Also, you can create a buy button from Shopify or create a collection where it adds select products at the bottom here.

You could also add a product image in the columns below and then link to those specific products.  Lots of income potential here.  Don't forget to put the uri parimeters so you can record where the purchases came from.  You want to be able to track it.

In here you're going to add more product that go with the course.  This could be PLR that will help them or the next course they should look into.  You can also add affiliate offers, but look in your products first.

Also, you can create a buy button from Shopify or create a collection where it adds select products at the bottom here.

You could also add a product image in the columns below and then link to those specific products.  Lots of income potential here.  Don't forget to put the uri parimeters so you can record where the purchases came from.  You want to be able to track it.

Need support or have a question?

If you require any support, customer help, or help - please go through the platforms below because it is easier for me to keep track of what is happening.  Sometimes if you email they get caught in with everything and I might miss it.  Thank you! ~April

Support: CLICK HERE 

Fill out the form, please make sure to provide your questions, comments,  suggestions, or testimonials.  If you have questions - provide the product or course you're going through.

If you purchased your product / course through the aMember shopping cart, please open a help desk ticket through that platform.

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Customer Service: april.nichestarterpacks@gmail

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